According to scientific reports, edible bird'snest is a rare delicacy with high nutritional value and very good for human health. Bird's nest has many essential micro-nutrients that the human body cannot synthesized. Bird's nest has many essential micro-nutrients that the human body cannot synthesized. The refore, in modern life, bird's nest soup has become a kind of food supplement that people prefer and is increasingly widely used 1. How often to eat bird nest soup ? Scientifically, proteins which make up 60-70% of bird's nest are eliminated within hours by enzymes in the body. Furthermore, not all this proteins can be absorbed by the body. This means small and frequent dose of bird's nest is much more effective, since excess bird's nest generally gets eliminated and removed from the body. Furthermore, not all this proteins can be absorbed by the body. This means small and frequent dose of bird's nest is much more effective...